KOA ART GALLERY floor plan
This whole exhibition seems to tell a story by the manner that these art pieces were hung on the walls. Considering the fact that I haven't had an ocular inspection of the exhibition venue, which is several thousands of miles away, prior to the exhibition, I did not really have a final plan what to bring here in my first North American solo art exhibition. I just tried to be true to its title
FREE FLOW and let the whole project unfold like a mystery by itself, doing each and every artpiece for several months one at a time in between my jobs. But as the exhibition preparation progresses I tried to adjust to the given situation as dictated by and relative to the exhibition venue. It turned out that the outcome of how they were arranged in sequence gave me an idea on how to view them collectively or individually.
The artpieces right on the entrance of this gallery say something about the digital age
(DIGITAL DREAMS) now and how we are connected worldwide
(PRY, BUZZ, SEE) . This reality brings us to the fact that the more advanced a society is the more advantage or disadvantage
(HIGH RISE BLUES) we have from the rest in this race called survival of the fittest.
But as we go into the main gallery section we will have a chance to feel how it is to live in the midst of a very modern and advance city where the density in population means that skyscrapers are needed not only to accommodate the flood of foreign workers but also to energize the property market and where the pace of life is very fast. Imagine now that you are inside your flat on the 25th floor in Hong Kong.
Now try to look out of those three large windows and you will see a panorama of the city skyline.
MANICURED CANYONS AND THE HOWLING WINDS OF HOMESICKNESS will bring right in front of our eyes the view of a city like Hong Kong or any other world city. Viewed from a perfect distance, depending on the clarity of your vision, you will have a clear view of the high-rise structures in different colors.
As you move to the next artwork, imagine this time that you got hold of your son's telescope and you zoomed-in a bit towards those distant buildings.
STORIES IN STOREYS will reveal the possible sights that you will see as you try to look for stars at night but happen to see your neighbors' windows instead.
Zoom a little bit farther now, or better yet use an x-ray telescope/camera, and
HIGH RISE HIGH PRICE will attempt to reveal the reality that one small flat in this city is not enough to accommodate all your family's belongings. How much more if your kids start to grow up each day? How many of these things you have accumulated for years are you going to throw away?
ASIAN MOUSETRAP is just like doing the daily chores of tidying-up the house and returning all your kids' toys into their boxes. And that is everyday!
Ah, yes…your kids. This time you think about how to care for them, how to raise them up in this city and how to prepare them for the world. How about those threats to their moral values? And how about those terrorist threats that target civilians like us and become victims who-knows-when? How will you be able to prepare them for that?
JOB VACANCY, the series, will encourage you and show you how. It will make you think twice and question your existence and why are you here joining the rat-race in this big city.
Maybe your small, expensive flat is not the right place for contemplation even if you started to pray each night for your own salvation and your kids' future and well-being. So maybe that
ONE COOL MORNING IN BORACAY will enable you to have a more relaxed and suitable place for reflection and contemplation.
Once you find solace in this place and become rejuvenated mentally, physically, psychologically and most of all spiritually you are strong enough to face reality as you read the daily news in the
After reading the paper and accepting reality you are somehow much equipped now to return to the city and a lot bolder to face the future ready to accept the realities of
And as you go out of this gallery, passing by the rest of the other artpieces depicting the digital age that you first saw when you entered this gallery, you are probably in a hurry to go back to work to read your emails.
Thanks a lot for viewing this exhibition…
Hong Kong-based Filipino Artist